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        25-year production experience

        Cold Rolling

        YWY cold rolling mill roll neck bearing

        YWY provides high-performance cold rolling mill work rolls, support rolls, and intermediate roll bearings for the metallurgical industry

        ★Applicable equipment: 1150, 1420, 1450, 1700, 1850, 2030 and other four-roll, six-roll, eight-roll cold tandem rolling mills and levelers.

        ★Bearing installation location: the neck of the work roll, support roll, intermediate roll.

        ★Bearing structure: four-row tapered roller bearings, sealed four-row tapered roller bearings, two-way thrust tapered roller bearings,

        Four-row cylindrical roller bearings, high-precision four-row cylindrical roller bearings, large taper angle double-row tapered roller bearings.

        ★Typical series and size range:

        Double-direction thrust tapered roller bearings: 829000 type d=100 ~ D=900 mm

        Double row tapered roller bearings: TDO, TDI type d=100 ~ D=1960 mm

        Four-row tapered roller bearings: TQO, TQI\TQOS type d=100 ~ D=1960 mm

        Double row cylindrical roller bearings: NN, NNU type d=100 ~ D=1600 mm

        Four-row cylindrical roller bearings: FC, FCD, FCDP type d=100~D=1600 mm

        ★Customers: Baosteel, Wuhan Iron and Steel, Anshan Iron and Steel, Shougang Qiangang, Guangzhou Lianzhong, Benxi Iron and Steel, Jiuquan Iron and Steel, Zhongtian, Concord Sheet and other iron and steel enterprises



        YWY is supporting bearing for metallurgical cold rolling line

        ★YWY developed the first localized four-row tapered roller bearing for the 1700 cold-rolled sheet production line leveler of Baosteel Stainless Steel Branch

        ★YWY provided replacement of imported work rolls and flying shear bearings for the 1700 cold-rolled sheet unit (five continuous rolling) of Wuhan Iron and Steel Cold Rolling Third Branch

        ★YWY is a 1150\1450 six-roller reversible cold-rolled sheet P5 precision bearing made by Xi'an Heavy Research Institute

        ★YWY provides backup rolls, work rolls and thrust bearings for Guangzhou Lianzhong Stainless Steel RAPL cold rolling mill

        ★YWY provides backup rolls, work rolls and thrust bearings for Zhejiang Concord Sheet 1150\1450 six-high cold rolling mill




        YWY multi-roll cold rolling mill backing bearing

        ★Applicable equipment: 8-high, 12-high, 16-high multi-high cold rolling mill and Sendzimir 20-high high precision sheet rolling mill.

        ★Bearing installation position: support roller (backing roller)

        ★Bearing structure: high-precision (P5~P4) double-row short cylindrical roller bearings, high-precision (P5~P4) three-row cylindrical roller bearings

        ★Typical series and size range:

        Double row short cylindrical roller bearings: NNTB\NNBP\NNU2P type

        d=90 ~ D=500 mm

        Three-row short cylindrical roller bearings: NNTP, NNTB type

        d=90 ~ D=500 mm

        ★Achievements in use: Taiyuan Iron and Steel, Anshan Iron and Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel, Guangzhou Lianzhong Stainless Steel, Dajiang Metal, Shandong Aoxing and other steel companies;

        ★Bearing repair: While YWY manufactures backing bearings, it can also repair recycled backing bearings or configure related bearing parts to meet customer requirements for bearing use and reduce production costs.



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        YWY high-precision multi-roll cold-rolled backing bearing application performance

        YWY has long provided backing bearings for TISCO Sendzimir 20-high mill


        YWY provides backing bearings for Angang Sendzimir 20-high mill


        YWY provides backing bearings for WISCO Sendzimir 20-high mill


        YWY research and development of composite backing bearings for eight-high rolling mills. The company and Beijing China Metallurgical Beijing jointly developed composite backing bearings for eight-high rolling mills for thin-plate continuous rolling. The precision grade is P4 and the structure is complex. Cylindrical bearings can withstand a certain axial force and have dual effects. The product is used in Shandong Xingnai Sheet and Tangshan First Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., and its performance is stable and reliable and fully meets the requirements of use.




        博野县| 岳阳市| 英吉沙县| 金秀| 郯城县| 抚宁县| 襄樊市| 长阳| 桂东县| 三穗县| 永登县| 临漳县| 顺昌县| 平和县| 濮阳县| 县级市| 将乐县| 四川省| 东平县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 长治市| 土默特左旗| 东港市| 巴南区| 新龙县| 聂荣县| 齐河县| 民和| 青河县| 甘谷县| 尤溪县| 宁明县| 大同县| 峨眉山市| 长寿区| 丹寨县| 沐川县| 太仓市| 玛多县| 衡山县| 揭东县|